When Darren Hayman went solo I thought I’d never see Hefner having missed out in my youth, but once again Loose came good! The afternoon instore in Spillers became chance for Hayman to play some brand new material, do requests and to share some witty anecdotes which was appropriate to the more informal setting. The evening gig was reminiscent of a Twisted By Design night circa 2000, in a good way! The attentive audience were fully appreciative of this unique opportunity to hear some well loved songs from one of their most loved bands and was one of those rare occasions where nearly the whole audience was silent, result! While the crowd accompanied in fine voice on several occasions through the course of the night a couple of guys in The Wave Pictures also joined Hayter and Hayman on stage helping to flesh out the stripped down renditions of Hefner classics. “Ding Dong” indeed! (Ashli)