There’s no way not to sound sexist or pervy saying this, but women in bands are easily fifty thousand times better than their penis-ed equivalents. Movement, presense: boner. Pens tick every other box in my brain too: clattering, shambolic amateurishness, instrument swapping, fun over technique. Two thirds of them used to be in (Look Look) Dancing Boys, who played a great, febrile PeppermintPatti show a year or two ago, all youth, shyness and booze. Adding an extra member hasn’t really changed the plan much: simple primitivist guitar, stand up drumming, two finger keyboard, off-mic singing, drunk harmonies. A riot in party form then, led by a cross between Mick Jagger and Joanna Lumley’s character in Absolutely Fabulous. Endless fun, except they finish after 25 minutes.

Wavves hit the wall of hipster apathy hard. The band’s stoned arrogance manifests itself in snide digs at the audience, snotnose jibes that actually fit the brash nature of this San Diego duo’s noisepop pretty well. Wavves rattle through a load of songs tonight, but not many that deviate from the template of quiet/loud guitar storm, thumping drums, mumbles and falsetto in the mix. Lacking is the magic of a band like No Age, and Wavves stumble through a welter of awkward tunes that point to an age range a little under their actual early 20s. The odd moment is a gem though, such as the great set closer, all full tilt boogie riff and real emotion. Concentrate on these, grow up, tidy your room, then we’ll talk.
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