An evening of weird brilliance here, something Chapter does pretty well. Book/CD launch first, then the (sort of) return of Jacuzzi Junta, an irregular night that combines music, film, art and ‘other’. That’s the legendarily ace Jacuzzi Junta by the way. Details being boring, turn up to get your brain mangled in various ways. There may be a SNES corner. There may be a lot of things. Look out.
Rising from the ashes of the unpredictable music/art bazaar that was Jacuzzi Junta comes an onslaught of sonic thoughtfood designed to stimulate the senses and imbibe the pleasure receptors.
An evening of bands, DJs, game-booths and interactive visuals all battle it out with just 20 minutes each to please you, the baying public.
The exit door leads in and your appointment will be yesterday…
Some bands that are quite probably playing:
Zwolf –
Past Collective –
No Thee No Ess –
Preceded by…
Says Casey ( This Black Friday (18th) is the launch of ‘An End to Isolation’. A book and CD, made by myself, performance artist Davida Hewlett, theatre manager James Tyson and musician Bud Harper.
It’s at Chapter Art Centre, in the Theatre, starting at 7pm. There will be some song and dance routines, some non-mandatory participatory activities, discounted books for sale, and some free booze (so I’m told).
Grapefruit: Huwie Price / Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted / Zwolf / Cook & Capper / String Quartet : Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff : 12.03.10 | The Joy Collective