Obviously we do a lot of scrupulous research on this website. Sitting through thousands of man-hours’ worth of blogs and streamed toss can have its drowsy side though, so for this preview I’m relying on the golden ears of Liz from Buffalo and an intriguing band description. The Miserable Rich play classy chamber music, heavy on the violin, cello and wholly lacking in plodding pee stain indie. Potential greatness all around. And if you’re thinking of talking through this, the last time that happened at Buffalo a small group of minor league musicians turned on the crowd and subjected them to highly fruity language. Look out.

Buffalo presents:


Friday 11th June
*early curfew show*
£5 entry

THE MISERABLE RICH‘s name was inspired by an experience they had playing at the wedding of two ultra-rich aristocrats in Rome. Cellist/pianist William Calderbank and debonair singer/percussionist James de Malplaquet formed the string quintet intending to produce ‘unusual acoustic modern music’.

The decision was also made to steadfastly adhere to a plan of using the cello and violin as the lead instruments, which has undoubtedly allowed them to mould a unique sound.

Their music has been revered by Bearded magazine as ‘pop music that could soundtrack a nursery rhyme created by Tim Burton’, and seduced the ears of NME, Drowned in Sound and Q.

The Miserable Rich MySpace
Adelaide’s Cape MySpace

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