Short notice for grand post rock; make space in the rag you call a diary. Hreda are great, and not just because one member came up to me after a gig and drawled “Brothers in hair…” into my face; they paste choppy hardcore and sweeping guitars onto your brain and let it set beautifully. I hope they’re are still selling their awesome T-shirt that features an awesome owl. Get there early too for Anta, whose slabs of heavy tickled feet nicely supporting Trans Am a few months ago.
Hreda, Thought Forms + Anta
Fri 3rd Sept / 7.30pm / £6/5adv
The Cube is very happy to welcome back HREDA; a band that manage to sound crushingly heavy and heavenly crushing at the same time. Mixing elements of Prog, Post-Rock and Post-Hardcore HREDA play like a well oiled steam train; the three minds of two guitars and drums combining to sound like a single, complex entity; bringing to mind Neurosis, Isis and GY!BE at their heaviest and most beautiful.
Releasing their debut album on Bristol’s Invada Records, Thought Forms Come across like Bad Moon Rising era Sonic Youth crossed with Sunn O))) mixing in Grouper on vocals for good measure; this band are truly exhilarating and awe-inspiring live.
Anta lay on riffs like seismic plates then throw them around like drunken Gods at a birthday party. These are truly the children of King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Sleep and Isis.
Bar ’til 1am with sounds from Archeologists of America Young Team.