More impossible-to-deny goodness at the CAI, herein bringing you DOUBLE DAGGER, a no-messing Baltimore trio (vocals, drums, deafening bass noise) who come on like a mix of post-punk attitude (chippy art-school lyricism), neolithic metal simplicity (monstrous riffs) and straightforward punk sass (yearning, melodic tunefulness). Plus, that press shot up there is adorable. Three albums in (the latest, More, released last year on Thrill Jockey – a curveball choice in itself) without a whole lot of deviation from their template, this should be a heap of noisy fun.
Tour support comes from London duo FRIENDSHIP, last seen around this way playing to a wholly disinterested post-midnight crowd in Buffalo a while back. They deserved better. A basic set-up subverted by unlikely and insidiously catchy afrobeat guitar and some almost electropop choruses, it’d be easy to cry hipster (fair dos, I think I did last time) but this is pretty great stuff y’know. Opening up are increasingly splendid locals SATURDAY’S KIDS, whose slow-creeping hardcore we’ve written about once or twice before and who’ve latterly released a tasty-looking split LP with Évariste Galois. Three top turns for free, the ideal way to get those post-ATP blues banished.
Using deceptively simple instrumentation (bass, drums, vocals), Baltimore trio Double Dagger make a cacophonous wall of sound that has been occasionally described as ‘very loud’ or ‘angry’ pop.