evilsEvils debut album ‘Hello Children Everywhere’ is out NOW. It is available in the form of an LP album, a vinyl record that spins at 33 rpm. There are only 300 of these in existence.

The album Includes the recently released Shape single ‘The End of the World’ and also ‘You Must Conform’ and ‘Bad Computer’ previously released on the Kruger Singles Club.

The LP is currently available in Spillers Records (Cardiff), Catapult Records (Cardiff), Diverse Records (Newport) and Andy’s Records (Aberystwyth).  Or order it directly from us at Shape Records

It can also be purchased on a host of software-based online digital media stores. Click on one of the following links to buy:






The download album also includes an exclusive track – Theme to Juliet Bravo (look in the trivia section here)

There is a Shape Function to celebrate the release which will be curated by Evils on Friday 4th September in Buffalo Bar, Cardiff.





+ more TBC

Friday 4th Septemeber 2009

Buffalo Bar, Cardiff

More Shape news over at www.shaperecords.co.uk

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